Rated 5 Stars (out of 5) - I love this program, I really do. There is only a handful of program in my history as a programmer that I have said "I love" . For the past 4 years it has been a program called Share-X which is the best screenshot program ever made! Back to the reason for this review though. Mac has a high quality GIF program that they brag to Windows users about. Us on Windows have "semi-decent but need a ton of features added" GIF programs to get us by, They are called LICECap and GifCam. I am very happy to say now that WIndows users now have a Mac level GIF prgram called Screen2GIF and it makes the other 2 windows GIF programs mentioned, obsolete! I mentioned they are lacking tons of features. Screen2Gif is the complete opposite! It has every feature I could want and then some others I never even considered! This is a must have in my toolbelt. Thank you very much to the author, I can't wait to see the future releases
PS) I even saw the creator takes user input and builds upon that...what a concept. The other mediocre GIF apps wouldn't even consider my input to add features which this app already has!