What's New?
• Cinemagraph feature.• Board recording. (But it's a draft)
• Snap to window feature.
• Select Tab: Select all, inverse selection, unselect.
• Option to change the color of the mouse clicks.
• By selecting the option "Save to a default output", the user is prompted to select the folder. (If none previously selected).
• Importing project from zip enabled.
• Back button added on the Webcam recorder window.
• Discard the recording from the recorder. (While paused)
• Possible to start taking snapshots and continue with normal recording.
♦ Fixed: Importing media bug. Slow Gif import.
♦ Fixed: Dragging the windows to the side bug with Windows 10.
♦ Fixed: Save to default folder bug.
♦ Fixed: Fit Image button, wrong vertical measurement.
♦ Fixed: Can't apply Yoyo feature twice (or more).
♦ Fixed: Opening the Recorder with the Snap option active and unchecking
Snapshot mode still displays the "Snap" button. Actually, changing the Snapshot mode doesn't change the button.
♦ Fixed: Discard bug while trying to record another time.
And lots of other things that I don't remember.