It states in the home page description that this application is portable but I noticed it actually writes it's settings to an xml file called ```user.config``` in the user profile to a folder under ``` \AppData\Local\Nicke_Manarin\ScreenToGif\ ```
Is there a way to have it behave truly portably with settings file saved in the same folder as the executable? Did I miss something obvious or is this not supported?
Also one small annoyance, the problem described [here](http://screentogif.codeplex.com/workitem/46) about the tab key cycling through text boxes in the wrong order seems to still be present in the new version
Once again congratulations on the great release and fantastic little application.
Comments: Hi, I fixed the Tab order bug. There is no support for a true portable mode right now. So I updated the description of the app.
It states in the home page description that this application is portable but I noticed it actually writes it's settings to an xml file called ```user.config``` in the user profile to a folder under ``` \AppData\Local\Nicke_Manarin\ScreenToGif\ ```
Is there a way to have it behave truly portably with settings file saved in the same folder as the executable? Did I miss something obvious or is this not supported?
Also one small annoyance, the problem described [here](http://screentogif.codeplex.com/workitem/46) about the tab key cycling through text boxes in the wrong order seems to still be present in the new version
Once again congratulations on the great release and fantastic little application.
Comments: Hi, I fixed the Tab order bug. There is no support for a true portable mode right now. So I updated the description of the app.